ph 03 6388 9295 - fax 03 6388 9296

Owned by Colin and Helen Denney - keeping you healthy & happy
If you need a pathology test carried out you do not need to be a patient at Lilydale Family Health Care. TML Pathology operates a pathology collection centre out of our practice and are available from 8:45 to 1:15, Monday to Friday. You will need to bring your pathology form with you, however, appointments are not necessary.
PHYSIOTHERAPY - Bass Coastal Physiotherapy Services
Daleen Nel is now available on Mondays at Lilydale Family Health Care
(She also works at Georgetown and Scottsdale)
You don't need to be a patient at LFHC to see the physiotherapist.
With an EPC referral and concession card = Bulk Billed
With an EPC referral but no concession = $10
No EPC or concession = private bills apply
For appointments:
Phone 6382 2170 or 0439547583
Contact the surgery on 6388 9295
DIETITIAN - Pathway Nutrition
Ashlee Brient is available every second Wednesday. You do not need to be a patient at LFHC to see the dietitian.
With an EPC referral and concession card = Bulk Billed
With an EPC referral but no concession = $10
No EPC or concession = private bills apply
Please phone LFHC reception on 6388 9295 for appointments.
PODIATRIST - In-Balance Podiatry
Josh Taylor visits every Thursday. You can make appointments with reception.
The first time you see Josh, it will cost you $79. If you have an EPC, you will get the medicare rebate, so you will be out of pocket $23
Second and subsequent appointments will cost $72.50, so you will be out of pocket $16.50